Angular Vs React: Difference Between ReactJS and Angular 

Web development is evolving in lockstep with technological advancement. When you think of the JavaScript ecosystem, you almost certainly believe in Angular and ReactJS, two of the most popular front-end development frameworks. However, how do you decide between angular and reactive? Should you base your decision on the project specifications first? Consider its initial popularity and ramp-up time. We will discuss Angular Vs React: Difference Between ReactJS and Angular. Join FITA Academy‘s React JS Training Institute in Chennai. It offers advanced certification training and 100% job placement assistance. 

What is the distinction between Angular and ReactJS? For years, these two prominent front-end frameworks have had a bitter rivalry. Which is the best option?

There are no changes to avoiding the fact that we live in a post-apocalyptic world. The answer depends on several factors; even front-end developers have debated the issue for years.

What is Angular?

Angular is a Google-created and maintained web framework first released as AngularJS in 2010. It rapidly became one of the most popular website frameworks of the time. This was due to features like two-way data binding and dependency injection and the fact that a technological behemoth backed it.

What is React?

In 2013, Facebook open-sourced React, a JavaScript library. This Framework popularised the concept of component-based architecture in web development.

Benefits of ReactJS

  • Modular and coherent components that are highly reusable and contribute to a shorter development time
  • It is used in mobile development because it enables developers to reuse the logical section of an app by simply changing the view.
  • Because of the self-contained components, maintenance and improvement are simple.
  • React quickly swept the market, eclipsing the majority of existing frameworks, including AngularJS. In response to the community’s enthusiasm for Google, it improved its JavaScript Framework in 2016,component-based architecture, and it was renamed Angular2.

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Key Features of Angular

  • Angular’s features include built-in support for AJAX, HTTP, and Observables. The community is united in its support.
  • Typescript, in line with current technologies, saves time.
  • More precise and more concise coding The error-handling support has been enhanced.

Key features of React

  • The ability to use third-party libraries is one of React’s key features.
  • Facebook is entirely behind you in terms of time-saving compositionality and simplicity.
  • User experience has been improved, as has the speed.
  • Rapider development

Angular vs React


  • Full-featured Framework: provides you with a strong opinion on how your application should be designed and several small libraries to aid in developing complex applications.
  • The library only supports UI components. MVC design necessitates Flux, but it allows you more flexibility in organising your code.

Data binding

  • Supports one-way and two-way data binding, which means that changing the UI input will change the model state and vice versa.
  • A UI element with one-way data binding cannot change the state of a component.

UI Components

  • Material Design Components: Angular includes several material design components that simplify UI configuration.
  • Material-UI Library & Dependencies: Community-created UI tools offer diverse UI components.


This blog has discussed Angular Vs React: Difference Between ReactJS and Angular . When deciding between Angular and React, I believe it comes down to personal preference, as they both address the same issues in different ways. Both technologies are compelling, representing a significant advancement in terms of improving, facilitating, and speeding up development since the early days of web programming. Join the React JS Training Chennai, which offers the best certification training with knowledgeable instructors. 

Read more: ReactJs Interview Questions and Answers

By Sumathi